Vera Vita Ministries

Supporting Vera Vita Ministries

We would encourage you to generously support your local church, those who labor in caring for you spiritually. If, beyond that, you would like to invest in the advancement of the kingdom of God through our ministry, we would welcome that form of partnership. Vera Vita Ministries is a recognized 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Gifts are tax deductible. Please do not go into debt to send support!

Since all organizational tasks are done by volunteers, your entire gift goes to the ministry.

There are various ways you can give support, whether on-going or a one-time gift.


You can give a gift through Zelle. Most banks already have Zelle provided as a service. You can visit the site: to see if your bank already has Zelle. If it does, then in your banking App, or online, you can send money through Zelle.

If your bank does not have Zelle, then you need to install the Zelle App on your Android or i-phone.

With Zelle, you use an email address or phone number to send money.

To send support to Vera Vita Ministries, you must use the following email. Be careful with the spelling.

spelled out: book keeper @ vera vita ministries . org

Of course, there are no spaces in the actual email address.

In the comment section, please include your email, so that we can send you an email PDF receipt.

Send a Check

You can donate by sending a regular paper check, payable to Vera Vita Ministries. Send the check by mail to:

Vera Vita Ministries
7001 St. Andrews RD
Suite 233
Columbia, SC 29212

Gifts are tax-deductible. All gifts will be used for the ministry in Italy.

Please include a note with your email, so that we can send you an email PDF receipt.

Online Banking (Bill Pay)

If you prefer, you can donate with Online Banking, using the Bill Pay system. This is especially useful if you desire to give regularly.

How to use Bill Pay:

Preferable: Before using Bill Pay, please email the Vera Vita Ministries Bookkeeper to request a new donor code. In your email to the bookkeeper, please include your name, email, and address (if we need to send a paper receipt).

Normally, you will receive a reply with adonor code within a few days. Please click here to send email requesting donor code (if you use webmail, and the preceding link does not work, manually send an email to: bookkeeper(at)veravitaministries(dot)org (substitute @ for (at) and . for (dot). The bookkeeper will send you a donor code.

Once you have a donor code, you can proceed with the following steps. It is also possible to use Bill Pay without a donor code.

The following steps give general guidance for using a bank’s on-line Bill Payment (often called “Bill Pay”) feature to have your bank send a check from your account to Vera Vita Ministries. Each bank will have its own specific on-line Bill Payment setup and processing instructions that will provide more detail. This can be a one time payment or you can choose an automatic reoccurring payment.

1. Sign into your checking account on-line.

2. Select the “Bill Pay” function

3. Add a Payee/Biller with the following information:

Payee: Vera Vita Ministries


- Vera Vita Ministries

- 7001 St Andrews Rd.

- Suite 233

- Columbia, SC 29212


There is a field to put your account number: Use the "donor code" you received from the bookkeeper (see above) in the account number field. If you do not have a donors code, you can check: “I don't have an account number for this payee.”

Accept this “Payee”

Establishing Payment

Now you are ready to set up a payment to this Payee (Vera Vita Ministries).

4. After the Payee/Biller has been set up, select the Make Payment/Pay Bill link within the Bill Payment function, and select the Payee/Biller (Vera Vita Ministries) to be used for the donation transaction.

5. Enter the desired amount and frequency of the payment (single donation or set periodic donations).

6. Enter the desired date for the donation(s) to begin.

7. If amounts are split between missionaries and/or ministry and personal purposes, please note in the Memo or Comments section. Example: “deFelice-$80”. --- OR-- “Ashley-$50 and Leo $50” --OR-- “Ashley-personal gift $50.” Personal gifts are NOT tax-deductible.

8. Review the donation information entered and select the Make Payment button if you are satisfied with the payment details

If you have any questions, please click here to send email requesting help (if you use webmail, and the preceding link does not work, manually send an email to: bookkeeper(at)veravitaministries(dot)org (substitute @ for (at) and . for (dot).

Thank you,
Vera Vita Ministries